zodiac glyphs Aries - Pisces

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Jupiter in the Signs

JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN ARIESAries Glyph - The planet Jupiter represents the principle of expansion and growth, it is the optimistic urge to broaden our horizons both mentally and materially. In the cardinal fire sign of Aries you will need to maintain a high level of enterprise, coupled with a sense of self-esteem, in order to make the most of opportunities that may come your way. This will be easy enough when things are going well, at such times you will feel confident and determined, even over-confident and over-zealous, but when things go wrong your confidence may crash and your determination collapse, or you will react with anger. You need to feel that you play a part in the greater scheme of things to maintain your self-confidence and sense of identity.

You are independent and you need the freedom to pursue your own goals. You feel that you are establishing your own identity when you are chasing distant horizons, and you do not like to be obstructed on the journey.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN TAURUSTaurus Glyph- Jupiter is in the sign of Taurus in your birth chart, which is a fixed earth sign. This indicates a love of good living and material comfort, but probably with a tendency to self indulgence. You will be generous and are not reluctant to distribute your acquired wealth and material possessions, but will have to check a tendency to fritter away what you have gained. Faith in life and in yourself will be based on a firm set of values, with a consequent loss of faith if these values are falsified in any way. Religious or philosophical beliefs, if any, may be somewhat materialistic.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN GEMINIGemini Glyph- Jupiter in the mutable air sign of Gemini indicates that you will try to extend yourself, or expand your present limitations, through intellectual and social exchange. You will be broad minded and open to various philosophies or religions, but these will need to be based on some kind of intellectual or rational background. A purely devotional approach to this area of life is probably not for you. You will have a need to expand your knowledge on a number of different subjects, but you may tend to over-extend yourself, resulting in a superficial knowledge of many different things. The ability to concentrate may need to be developed. Your ideals and beliefs may tend to be rather changeable, resulting in a restless search for something that will answer all your questions and doubts. You will need to realize that the rational mind, important as it is, can only build models of reality.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN CANCERCancer Glyph- Jupiter is in the cardinal water sign of Cancer in your chart. The urge for expansion and growth and the feeling of an inner faith in yourself and life in general operates on the feeling and emotional level. You will have a kind and sensitive nature with warm and generous feelings, however, you tend to keep things beneath the surface, covered by an apparently hard shell, so these qualities may not always be made apparent to others.

Your religious and philosophical beliefs will be colored by your emotions and based on what you feel, rather than on any intellectual analysis, but feelings are subject to constant change and fluctuation, so your beliefs will tend to be inconstant and fluctuate with your feelings. Faith in yourself and in life will also be subject to fluctuations according to your mood.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN LEOLeo Glyph- The expansive planet Jupiter in the fixed fire sign of Leo will give you a desire for recognition and respect. You may harbor a secret desire to be the centre of attention, even if more conservative tendencies cause you to avoid this in practice. You will have a deep awareness of the fact that our individual egos are a part of a larger order, this could be your own society and culture, the race as a whole, or God, depending on your religious and philosophical beliefs. Your need for recognition stems from a desire to act as an agent for this larger order in some way. The danger here is of ego-inflation and over-estimating your importance in the scheme of things. If this danger can be kept in check, however, your natural creativity and faith will bring you opportunities for expansion throughout your life, provided that you can in some way use your own good fortune for the benefit of others.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN VIRGOVirgo Glyph- With Jupiter in the mutable earth sign of Virgo you can create opportunities for yourself through the use of your analytical abilities, or the ability to understand details as well as being able to see how they fit into the larger picture. You are wary of grandiose plans, preferring to make your way through the gradual acquisition of skill and knowledge, until you reach the point where you can confidently use what you have learned to improve your present situation. Philosophical or religious beliefs will have to stand the test of your critical intellect before you will accept them, which is fair enough, but you will tend to dismiss valid ideas simply because you do not understand them, or be excessively critical of people whose belief system conflicts with your own.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN LIBRALibra Glyph- With Jupiter in the cardinal air sign of Libra, opportunities will come to you as a result of your need for a wide variety of social contacts and acquaintances. Your judgment is fair and impartial, you are aware of the injustices and prejudices of society and have a strong desire to help those who are oppressed or unfairly treated, or to do something to help make the world a better place. This desire may remain just that, however, since your diplomatic nature and your natural ability to see all sides of any issue may paralyze the urge to action. The same qualities, if you can overcome your indecisiveness, can bring you great success in any field that involves working with, or negotiating on behalf of, the general public. In relationships, you will seek those that in some way broaden your perspective and experience.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN SCORPIOScorpio Glyph- With Jupiter in the fixed water sign of Scorpio, you will create opportunities throughout your life through your capacity for shrewd, critical judgment of people and situations. You are intense and uncompromising in your attempts to pursue your goals. This will probably get you where you want to go, eventually, but there is a danger that you could alienate others on the way, unless you are prepared to include them in your plans. The mysteries of life and death may fascinate you, and your philosophy may be influenced by interests and beliefs that others consider to be occult or taboo subjects.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN SAGITTARIUSSagittarius Glyph- Jupiter is at home in its own sign of Sagittarius. With this placing, you have an underlying optimism and faith in life that will support you through in the most difficult crises. You will seek some broad philosophical understanding of life, and will be interested in developing your higher and more intuitive mental faculties. Travel will be undertaken as a means of broadening your viewpoint and knowledge, through the experience of other cultures and ways of thinking. You are warm-hearted and generous, with a genuine understanding of, and sympathy for, other people’s problems. The negative side of Jupiter in this sign is a tendency to exaggeration, and perhaps biting off more than you could possibly chew.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN CAPRICORNCapricorn Glyph- Jupiter in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn indicates that opportunities will come to you only after you have earned them through hard work and persistence along your chosen path. The climb to the top may seem long and arduous, but once you know where you are going your optimism and faith in the ultimate worth of your goals will sustain you through the inevitable pitfalls and set-backs. You do not allow over-enthusiasm and exaggeration to blind you to the practical and material necessities of life, in fact your perception of the demands of the real world may result in you never fully fulfilling yourself, if you do not summon up the courage to step beyond the boundaries of your present limitations. Your philosophical or religious views will tend to be pragmatic and focused on what is "real" and tangible, rather than on the "mystical" and intangible.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN AQUARIUSAquarius Glyph- Jupiter in the fixed air sign of Aquarius shows a need to expand your horizons and grow beyond your present limitations through groups and ways of thinking that are forward-looking, unconventional, or even revolutionary. You will have a strong sense of justice and an attraction to various causes. It may be that you need to be working for some cause, or some group attempting to bring about some important social change, in order to feel confidence in yourself and faith in life in general. Your philosophical or religious outlook will be humanitarian, and probably different from the established and conventional world view. There can, however, be a tendency to overdo the importance of such activities in your own life, leading to an intolerance of anyone or anything that tries to prevent you from expanding in the directions that you want.


JUPITERJupiter Glyph IN PISCESPisces Glyph- The planet Jupiter in the mutable water sign of Pisces, indicates that you have high philosophical ideals, and a belief in a higher power that unites everyone on a deep spiritual level. You wish to serve people where you can and help them to achieve their goals and realize their purpose in life. It is through this urge that many opportunities for your own expansion and growth will arise. You are not in tune with the materialist philosophy, or the political systems that have grown out of it. You probably believe that our political institutions and social structures should reflect a more spiritual and holistic philosophy.

Original Source - Happy Dragon 2003

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