The Moon in the Signs
MOON IN ARIES - With the Moon in the cardinal fire sign of Aries, you react instinctively to emotional stimuli through direct action. You have a tendency to leap before you look. You can be naturally courageous with the inner urge to get things done, or you can be impulsive and quick tempered, with a tendency to put your own feelings before those of others. You have an enthusiasm for life, and a naturally direct approach, but you need to consciously develop patience. Other chart factors may show you to be patient and understanding, but if you are caught unexpectedly, or your feelings are hurt, you can surprise yourself and others with the strength of your anger and repressed selfishness.
MOON IN TAURUS - With the Moon in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, you have an instinctive need for material security. This does not necessarily mean a materialistic attitude, it is just that you need to have your material affairs in order, before you can feel secure enough to pursue other interests. When you do, however, you can be persistent and determined. In your home life, you will feel comfortable if things are in their place, even if this is not realized in practice. You will have a strong sense of values, possibly inherited from your mother, and are faithful and steady in your emotions. Once you make up your mind on an emotional issue, you rarely change it. Carried to extremes this can lead to possessiveness, and a stubborn refusal to change or go against your values, even if they are no longer relevant to your life.
MOON IN GEMINI - Gemini is a mutable air sign. With the Moon in this sign, your emotional and instinctive reactions are versatile and adaptable. There is a genuine intellectual ability, and an inner need for constant intellectual and social stimulation in order to feel secure emotionally. There is a need to be involved in several different activities at once, and you find it difficult to settle down to a strict and rigid routine. The inner need for a variety of associations, if uncontrolled, can lead to a constant change in your emotions, making it difficult for even you to know how you really feel. You can give the impression of being fickle and superficial in your emotional responses.
MOON IN CANCER - In the cardinal water sign of Cancer, the Moon is in the sign that it rules. This indicates that you have an instinctive urge for emotional support and sharing. The Moon in this sign makes you emotionally very sensitive, perhaps to the extent that you hide your feelings behind the hard shell of the crab, in order to prevent your sensitive feelings from being hurt. When they are hurt, the pain lingers for a long time. However you may appear on the surface, you can be rather tenacious and possessive in relationships and may find it difficult to let go when necessary. You may have difficulty in outgrowing emotional and behavioral patterns that are the result of past conditioning and experience, particularly your relationship with your mother. The family instinct may be powerful, to the extent that it can lead to clannishness. You need to be needed, and to be able to express your emotional needs with someone.
MOON IN LEO - With the Moon in the fixed fire sign of Leo, your emotional reactions are direct and powerful. You have an outgoing and cheerful disposition and you will probably feel more at home and happy with yourself when you are able to make a big splash and be the centre of attention. You have an instinctive pride in your family and home, and in general your experiences of childhood and of your mother have given you an inner sense of well-being and self-worth, unless there are difficult aspects to your Moon. Your instinctive pride may be taken to extremes sometimes and you will need to avoid a tendency to behave arrogantly if you are hurt, or to constantly bolster your self-esteem by always taking centre stage. Negative emotional experiences can seriously affect your sense of self-identity, and may result in fixed behavior patterns that are hard to change.
MOON IN VIRGO - With the Moon in the mutable earth sign of Virgo in your chart, you have an instinctive need to be of service to others in some way, not in the sense of being a servant, you simply feel comfortable with yourself if you can be of help to others. You will have a fine sense of discrimination and a strong analytical ability, that is, you have a natural ability to separate a problem or situation into its component parts, and perceive the relationships between these parts. It is in this way that you can be of help to others. There may be a tendency to worry too much, or to be over critical if others do not come up to your perfectionist standards. You are a naturally tidy person, but this can be taken to extremes. In your domestic and emotional life, you may be rather conventional, probably as a result of your childhood experience of your mother.
MOON IN LIBRA - With the Moon in the cardinal air sign of Libra, you have an instinctive need for harmony and honesty in your emotional life. With the Moon in an air sign, you will need intellectual and social exchange in order to feel happy and secure. You are naturally diplomatic and fair in your dealings with others, with an easygoing nature and an innate ability to see the many sides to any issue. On the negative side, however, this same fairness and balance of viewpoint can become indecisiveness and a tendency to avoid direct action when it is necessary. You would probably do well to work in a partnership where decision making can be shared, as decisiveness may not be your strong point.
MOON IN SCORPIO - With the Moon in the fixed water sign of Scorpio, your emotional reactions are deep and intense. You are very sensitive to the emotions and "vibes" given off by others, but your fear of emotional pain ensures that you will keep your own feelings hidden safely beneath the surface, unless you feel that it is safe to let them out. You have a natural strength and perseverance, based on your instinctive awareness that life is a struggle for survival. Early childhood experiences may have given you a deep distrust in life and an awareness of the inevitability of change, transformation and death. Negative emotions such as jealousy and possessiveness will not be openly expressed but may simmer half unconsciously below the surface until you are caught off guard or hurt in some way, then the power and intensity of such feelings will surprise both yourself and the person to whom they are directed.
MOON IN SAGITTARIUS - The sign position of the Moon shows how we react instinctively, based on past experience and habit patterns. With the Moon in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, you are instinctively restless, with difficulty in settling down and staying in one place for too long. You feel happy with yourself if you can be exploring new horizons, or are on the move, even if it is only from one home to another. Your emotions can be fiery and you will defend yourself instinctively by reacting with anger. If your sense of security is threatened or your self-image challenged you may respond with exaggeration and can be careless and tactless. You will have a high degree of independence and love of freedom, but will need to control a tendency to be off hand.
MOON IN CAPRICORN - With the Moon in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, your instinctive behavior patterns may be influenced by a deep need for something that is secure and permanent in your home and emotional life, and may see the way to this as the attainment of a conventional and rather rigid home life. This may be the result of a lack of such material and emotional security in your early home life, or the result of values inherited from your parents. Although greatly concerned with your own emotional needs, you can display a degree of coldness when it comes to the emotions of others, and can place heavy stress on their duties and responsibilities. You may need to realize that you will only feel secure and happy with yourself when what you have has been gained by your own efforts, and not something others have a duty to provide.
MOON IN AQUARIUS - With the Moon in the fixed air sign of Aquarius, there is an instinctive tendency to think about your feelings, rather than acting on them, or actually feeling them. There is a mixture of openness to the new, combined with a stubborn resistance to change. You value personal freedom and independence, in fact you need it to feel comfortable, but this can lead to problems in your emotional life, which you can probably rationalize away. You prefer not to dwell on past emotional difficulties or conflicts, preferring to be open to future possibilities, but your emotions do not always obey your thoughts. The unconventionality and eccentricity associated with this sign is softened by the emotional nature of the Moon, and you are generally friendly, with an innate humanitarianism.
MOON IN PISCES - Pisces is a mutable water sign. With the Moon in this sign, you are very sensitive to the emotional undercurrents in your environment, this can make you either sympathetic and understanding, or gullible and vulnerable. The mutable nature of this sign means that you will probably swing from one to the other at different times. Your imagination and intuition are strong, but you must avoid the tendency to be discouraged too easily. You may find it difficult to make decisions, and are prone to self-indulgence as a way of dealing with emotional difficulties. Your innate idealism and openness can make it difficult for you to deal with the harsh realities of life.
Original Source - Happy Dragon 2003
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