zodiac glyphs Aries - Pisces

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Uranus in the Signs

URANUSUranus Glyph IN ARIESAries Glyph - Uranus is a planet of independence, innovation, and genius. It is very comfortable here in the sign of new beginnings. Be careful of something else, however, that can come from all of this haste. Accidents. Unless something else in the horoscope can moderate this placement, excessive haste can be a problem. This is a superior position, though, for coming up with inventions and ideas that can be innovative to the point of being shocking.


URANUSUranus Glyph IN TAURUSTaurus Glyph- Here, the planet of sudden and unexpected change is in the sign that is slow to get started but difficult to stop. Evangeline Adams wrote that when Uranus is in Taurus, its "great energy is set to honest, constructive work" and I would have to agree. The erratic nature of Uranus is curbed here and the force of the planet does seem to concentrate in practical, material matters where its originality can have a great effect.


URANUSUranus Glyph IN GEMINIGemini Glyph- will tend to shock people by expressing weird, socially unacceptable ideas. A whole generation was born with this placement (1943 to 1949) and they fueled the social upheavals of the 1960’s. Remember that the whole chart has to be examined before one can conclude that someone with this placement will behave this way overtly or if it will only be a repressed tendency.


URANUSUranus Glyph IN CANCERCancer Glyph- If Uranus is the only planet in a Water Sign or a Cardinal Sign, then it will be able to focus much of the energy of the horoscope here. Watch out. If Uranus is the only water planet, it will strongly affect feelings. People with this one tend to be a bit hysterical and have extra trouble committing to an emotional relationship. Their urge is to run. This placement is similar to Uranus in aspect to the Moon.


URANUSUranus Glyph IN LEOLeo Glyph- Uranus is genius and eccentricity. Leo is dramatic and theatrical. Isadora Duncan had this placement. She was a genius who scandalized her age. Of course, not everyone with this Uranus will manifest these qualities so overtly. Isadora had Uranus on one side of the horoscope, all by itself, so the effect was increased and became prominent. Carl Jung is another Uranus in Leo person. He turned the field of psychology upside down with his controversial theory of the "collective unconscious".


URANUSUranus Glyph IN VIRGOVirgo Glyph- The planet of radical changes in the sign of details can cause one’s "genius" to come out in small ways rather than with major breakthroughs. Virgo is the sign of work and health, so Uranus (or any planet) is kept busy here. People with this placement will constantly tend to look for new ways to improve their work. They will also be attracted to the very latest in health technology. This can get them into big trouble because they will tend to think that something is good because it is new.

URANUSUranus Glyph IN LIBRALibra Glyph- The planet of "I’ve got to be free" in the sign of partnership produces a generation of folks who tend to need their own space in marriage.


URANUSUranus Glyph IN SCORPIOScorpio Glyph- The planet of the unexpected in the sign of sex and death. The last time Uranus entered Scorpio was 1975, just about the time that the AIDS epidemic started.


URANUSUranus Glyph IN SAGITTARIUSSagittarius Glyph - Uranus loves to shock. While Uranus in Gemini has a tendency to say shocking things, Uranus in Sagittarius likes to have shocking principles and tell shocking stories. Vladimir Nabokov, author of Lolita, and Alfred Hitchcock both have this placement. Sagittarius is also a sign of adventure and Uranus is independence. Ernest Hemingway was another one born with Uranus here. And these traits show up clearly in the horoscope of Charles Lindburgh. The shocking philosophy part is best illustrated with the chart of Karl Marx.


URANUSUranus Glyph IN CAPRICORNCapricorn Glyph- is not bad. The genius of Uranus is put to work doing big things. The generation that made the Victorian era was born in the 1820’s when Uranus and Neptune (the dreams, ideals, and illusions of our age) were both here, and despite its reputation as being stuffy, the Victorian age was one of great material progress. These two planets were together again recently, in the early 1990’s, so we can look forward to another Victorian age when they grow up.


URANUSUranus Glyph IN AQUARIUSAquarius Glyph- is in its own sign. It was last here during World War I, a war which, in typical Aquarian fashion, turned everything upside down. Uranus is back in Aquarius right now. This time, we seem to be going through a more peaceful revolution: the Internet. As always, Uranus changes things dramatically, even shockingly. Enjoy the ride.


URANUSUranus Glyph IN PISCESPisces Glyph- The planet of genius in the sign of imagination. The last time Uranus was here was during the "Roaring Twenties" when everyone was busy rebelling (Uranus) against prohibition (Pisces rules alcohol). By itself, this placement doesn’t do much. It takes other factors in the horoscope to bring the effects of the imagination into reality.

Original Source -BobMarksAstrologer site 1999

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