zodiac glyphs Aries - Pisces

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VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR SUN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You are dynamic and self-assertive today in social and romantic activities. It's a good time for fun and creative pursuits. You want to be noticed, loved, and appreciated. Take the lead and enjoy your company.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR MOON (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You tend to feel happy and confident today. You are sensitive to the feelings of others and can feel warm and comfortable with your family and at ease in dealing with the public. The gentle beauty and harmony around you now can arouse your romantic feelings.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR MERCURY [MIND] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You have a cheerful, friendly attitude today and enjoy socializing. You meet attractive people and conversations are witty and charming.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR MERCURY [WORK] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You are thoughtful and considerate towards others today. it's a good time to organize business or financial matters.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR VENUS [FINANCES] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You are relaxed, easygoing, mellow, and in tune with your financial goals today. It's a good time to start a savings or investment program that will improve your sense of security over time.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR VENUS [ROMANCE] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You are drawn to gentle, considerate, and affectionate people today. You are friendly and appealing in social situations and attract romantic interest.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR MARS (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your affections are excited and you can feel passionate, flirtatious, or a need for sexual gratification. Favorable for dancing or partying or any initiatives related to enhanced popularity and romantic appeal. Sexual attractions now could be inconsiderate and do not necessarily imply compatibility.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR JUPITER (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You are happy and emotionally optimistic. Your social life expands and you enjoy philosophical discussions with friends about love, culture, religion, education, and aesthetics. Favorable for travel, romantic or social involvement with foreigners, attending formal functions, and weddings.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR SATURN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may feel lonely at this time. You can be sensitive to slights and perhaps the loss or unfaithfulness of a dear friend. You may begin a social or romantic involvement with an older, mature individual, but in general this is a cooling off period romantically. Develop your own practical goals; it's a good time for businesslike dealings.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR URANUS (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your romantic and social life can be exciting and interesting. You meet dynamic and magnetic new people. You may be prone to sudden romantic infatuations which tend to be unstable because of unusual circumstances. Friends and groups or organizations can bring you a greater sense of social freedom.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR NEPTUNE (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You tend to be highly idealistic in your romantic life at this time. You may unrealistically bestow your affection on the wrong people. Your intuitive, psychic abilities are stimulated, and you are especially sensitive to beauty, art, and music at this time. It's a good time for your community involvement as you tend to feel charitable and considerate of those who are less fortunate.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR PLUTO (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
This can be a time of intense emotional, romantic, and sexual relationships. Latent extreme feelings of possessiveness, envy, jealousy, or of uplifting spiritual union could emerge. A romance or love affair at this time could be all-consuming. People you meet in psychological or metaphysical groups could have a lasting emotional impact.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR ASCENDANT (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your charming personal manner and happy outlook enhances your attractiveness today. It's a favorable time to express yourself socially and romantically.

VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your social activities today can revolve around your professional affairs. It's a favorable time for public relations appearances or for obtaining a raise in pay or favors from employers.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR SUN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your social and romantic plans can meet with obstacles today. You can come across as being self-centered and spoiled for attention. Seek stability and quiet ease and don't neglect the needs of others.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR MOON (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Emotional hypersensitivity and hurt feelings can upset romantic or marital relationships today. Exercise consideration. Control the urge to spend needlessly on luxury items and curb excessive drinking, eating, and socializing.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR MERCURY [MIND] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
A misunderstanding can leave you feeling lonely and neglected today. Extend yourself in social situations and meet someone new.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR MERCURY [WORK] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Useless chit-chart and gossip can interfere with work efficiency. Use diplomacy and cooperation to mend strained relationships at work.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR VENUS [FINANCES] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Use moderation and good judgment today in purchasing art or luxury items. Negotiate details before buying or selling and deal with facts.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR VENUS [ROMANCE] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may be uncomfortable in social situations today as you mix with an unfamiliar crowd. In romance you may have difficulty expressing or accepting love.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR MARS (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may feel touchy and reluctant in dealing with social and relationship obligations. Separations and delays in meeting your romantic partner can make you feel tense. Jealousy or overly aggressive behavior can aggravate compatibility. Get your feelings into the open and deal with issues so you can begin to relax.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR JUPITER (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may require some added self-restraint in your romantic relationships. Your strong affections may become overbearing and may not be shared by your mate. Seek cooperation and harmony rather than a self-centered indulgence.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR SATURN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may feel sad or lonely and cut off from others. You are sensitive to slights, and your friends and loved ones may seem to be cold, indifferent or unfaithful to you. You will need self- restraint at this time to avoid one-sided relationships.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR URANUS (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may be subject to unstable romantic infatuations. You have a tendency to break up old relationships or your partner may demand more freedom. Sexual indiscretion or irresponsibility can cause conflicts in close relationships. Friendships and group associations can be disrupted. Sensible cooperation is needed on these important issues.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR NEPTUNE (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may be prone to unrealistic romantic fantasizing and love sickness. You can be drawn into a fascinating but deceptive and potentially scandalous affair. Your tendency is to passively imagine that everything will work out in the end. It's a good time to become sensitive to the goals and realistic needs of both yourself and the others around you.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR PLUTO (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
There can be a need to address issues of selfishness and lack of consideration in your relationships at this time. Jealousy, extramarital affairs, secretiveness, or sexual domination can be critical issues. You may need a broader range and variety of social involvement as you may tend to possessively invest too much of your emotional security into one person. Purge yourself of coercive and manipulative methods.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR ASCENDANT (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your desire to please others today results in cooperation and harmonious social relations. Partnerships may require extra consideration to smooth out misunderstandings.

VENUS OPPOSED YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your home can be the setting for social and romantic activities today. Family members are in a cooperative and pleasant mood. if you want to beautify your home, now is a good time.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR SUN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You easily express charm, grace and harmony today. In social situations or romance you have opportunities to create harmony and mutual appreciation.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR MOON (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You have a cheerful, happy emotional outlook today. Domestic, social, and romantic activities bring you contentment.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR MERCURY [MIND] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
It's an opportune day for pleasant social relationships. Short trips and communications go smoothly.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR MERCURY [WORK] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You can share interesting ideas with others today. Business and work relationships are harmonious.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR VENUS [FINANCES] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
New information and ideas can enhance your sense of refinement and financial security today. Others are considerate and support your needs.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR VENUS [ROMANCE] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You have opportunities to make new friends and feel appreciated today. It is easy for you to be tolerant, considerate, and comforting.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR MARS (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You can take a different, more stimulating approach in discussions with your romantic partner. You have good ideas for social activities.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR JUPITER (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You feel relaxed and easygoing. It's a good time to expand your social life and contacts at this time are generally favorable. A party, formal occasion, or wedding can be enjoyable.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR SATURN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your emotional relationships tend to be steady at this time, although they may seem somewhat reserved and formal. Ideas and discussions may involve important career plans and personal ambitions.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR URANUS (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You have unusual and exciting social and romantic opportunities. Personal magnetism is increased and so is the urge for more freedom. You meet charming, dynamic people.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR NEPTUNE (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Relationships stabilize and you may enjoy an idyllic period of socializing or romance. Art and music can be delightful and inspiring.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR PLUTO (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You can enjoy an improved social and romantic lifestyle at this time. Harmful emotions are purged and a more relaxed atmosphere of congeniality and mutual consideration prevails. Sexual urges are stimulated and there can be opportunities for meaningful romantic relationships. It's a favorable time for art, music, entertainment, social work, and psychological or metaphysical understanding.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR ASCENDANT (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You enjoy harmony in business, social, and romantic relationships today. Friends are cooperative and artistic endeavors bring satisfying results.

VENUS SEXTILE YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You enjoy harmony and cooperation in your professional and family relationships today. It's a favorable time for socializing for business or pleasure. Persons in positions of power are receptive to your now. It's a good time to purchase art or luxury items for your home.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR SUN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your social and romantic plans can meet with obstacles today. You can come across as being self-centered and spoiled for attention. Seek stability and quiet ease and don't neglect the needs of others.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR MOON (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your moody touchiness or laziness today can result in emotional misunderstandings. It's not a good time for public relations. Avoid self-indulgence or financial extravagance.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR MERCURY [MIND] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Misplaced sympathy can result in disappointment in your social or romantic relationships today. Don't let emotions interfere with necessary logical decisions.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR MERCURY [WORK] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
If your feel critical or touchy today then you could be preoccupied with trivial matters. Avoid laziness and unnecessary financial expenditures.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR VENUS [FINANCES] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Laziness and self-indulgence today can lead to disagreements over financial resources. Avoid extravagance, waste, and poor aesthetic taste. Act responsibly.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR VENUS [ROMANCE] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
If there are emotional relationship difficulties today, make an effort to be honest and considerate. Be supportive and fair towards your friends and your lover.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR MARS (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your social life can be disappointing with missed opportunities, delays, or irritable, disagreeable partners. Get hostilities out in the open and seek responsible understanding. Release energy through dancing, music, or vigorous social activities.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR JUPITER (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may feel lazy, self-indulgent, and extravagant in your pursuit of pleasure and luxurious living. Obstacles to your social and romantic satisfaction can stem from insincere gestures of affection, misplaced sympathy, and lack of social grace.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR SATURN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your close personal relationships can be unsatisfying and discouraging at this time. You may have romantic ambitions but you feel shy, lonely, and discontent. There is no spark for a new relationship. The people you are attracted to are either unavailable or not interested in you. Work out problems in existing relationships. You can be businesslike without being cold or lacking sympathy. Develop a mature attitude of consideration towards others.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR URANUS (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may feel restless and dissatisfied with your social and romantic life at this time. You can be attracted to unstable romantic infatuations and have the urge to break up old relationships and indulge in indiscreet or rebellious sexual conduct. Friends, groups, or organizations can cause difficulties in marital or close relationships.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR NEPTUNE (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may feel lonely and discontent at this time, yet you may lack the initiative to assert yourself or make decisions. Your romantic dream can prove to be elusive or disillusioning. You can tend to assume a compliant and passive role, and be swept into sensual indulgences and possible scandal. Hold on to your aesthetic ideals, and put your immediate energies into art, or therapeutic and community work.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR PLUTO (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may long for a more satisfying romantic or social life, but your mate and friends don't seem to fulfill your needs. Conflicts can result from lack of consideration and attempts to remake others. Latent feelings of resentment, possessiveness, or jealousy could erupt. Confront, resolve, and release your emotional attachments and find a greater sense of beauty in life.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR ASCENDANT (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You are prone to moody, touchy feelings with others, and disagreements in marital and business relationships today. Your feelings can be uncertain and difficult to express. Avoid laziness and financial extravagance or personal self-indulgence.

VENUS SQUARE YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You may be emotionally out-of-sorts with family and professional relationships today. Family responsibilities interfere with your work and work duties interfere with your family. fulfill your obligations as better times lie ahead.

VENUS TRINE YOUR SUN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Romantic and social activity tends to be happy and harmonious today. Possible romantic or marriage opportunities present themselves. It's a good time to enjoy music, art, or entertainment with your partner or close friend.

VENUS TRINE YOUR MOON (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your happy emotional outlook makes you popular today. It's a good time for romantic and marriage relationships. Favorable for family gatherings and social events.

VENUS TRINE YOUR MERCURY [MIND] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
This is a relaxed day when your companions make you feel at ease. Your actions of friendliness and courtesy endear you to others.

VENUS TRINE YOUR MERCURY [WORK] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Tact and diplomacy and an improved personal appearance can help stabilize an important business relationship today. Your co- workers are supportive of your goals.

VENUS TRINE YOUR VENUS [FINANCES] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You feel happy, secure, and comfortable today. It's a favorable time for business transactions, especially those to do with art.

VENUS TRINE YOUR VENUS [ROMANCE] (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Relationships and partnerships are harmonious today. It's a good time to socialize and enjoy yourself. If reconciliation are in order, now is a good time.

VENUS TRINE YOUR MARS (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You can enjoy music, parties, and fun, or romance and good sex relations. Your vitality and charm makes you popular with everyone. It's a favorable time for social activities and improving your appearance.

VENUS TRINE YOUR JUPITER (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your cheerful, tolerant attitude makes this a good time for romance or social gatherings. It's a good for entertaining guests, travel, or marriage.

VENUS TRINE YOUR SATURN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You tend to be calm and secure in your emotional relationships. You can extend yourself socially to old friends and new associates. Formal occasions, receptions, and business gatherings can be enjoyable at this time. It's a good time to plan and organize joint projects.

VENUS TRINE YOUR URANUS (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Your social life can be happy and stimulating at this time. You meet interesting, dynamic people and have a new romantic opportunities. It's a good time to be independent and original in your activities. Friends are generally cooperative, kind, and considerate.

VENUS TRINE YOUR NEPTUNE (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
Involvement in artistic pursuits, and volunteer or social service is favorable for you at this time. You are more gentle, courteous, considerate, and compliant. People find you fascinating and charming. Areas of stress tend to ease and healing processes improve. A romance at this time can seem ideal.

VENUS TRINE YOUR PLUTO (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
With your improved self-respect, you are able to extend yourself socially and romantically at this time. You have good psychological insight into others and can win trust and affection. Latent or long-buried resentments and possessiveness can be resolved, and you can free yourself to find new trust, consideration and cooperation.

VENUS TRINE YOUR ASCENDANT (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You enjoy harmony in business, social, and romantic relationships today. Friends are cooperative and artistic endeavors bring satisfying results.

VENUS TRINE YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Short-duration, 1-5 days)
You enjoy harmony and cooperation in your professional and family relationships today. It's a favorable time for socializing for business or pleasure. Persons in positions of power are receptive to your now. It's a good time to purchase art or luxury items for your home.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 1ST HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
Personal charm increases during this period. You tend to take more initiative in social situations and teamwork. You are more apt to give more attention to improving your personal appearance. You may seek self-expression through music, or other artistic means.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 2ND HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
You may tend to purchase or sell art and luxury items during this period. You may want more physical comforts and seek to improve your material security through financial or business agreements.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 3RD HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
Social and business communications may require tact and diplomacy during this period. Short trips can be pleasurable. Favorable for public relations and dealings with communications media.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 4TH HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
You tend to be more thoughtful and considerate towards your family and parents during this period. It's a good time for social gatherings in the home and for beautifying the home through decorating and gardening. Avoid over-indulgence of rich or sweet foods.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 5TH HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
Entertainment and play activities with children increase during this period. Romantic, creative, speculative, and sexual involvement increase. Chances of pregnancy increase. Appreciation of art and music increases.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 6TH HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
You tend to take greater interest in beautiful clothing and healthy habits to become more attractive during this period. There may be romantic or marital opportunities through work. You may receive a salary increase or favors from your employer.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 7TH HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
You tend to be more outgoing and sociable during this period. Favorable for public relations and establishing new partnerships. Increased mutual consideration and kindness in marital and other personal relationships.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 8TH HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
This can be a period of improved trust and security. Joint finances are handled harmoniously and you may gain through gifts, financial partnerships, or business opportunities. Sexual activity is stimulated.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 9TH HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
You may enjoy social activity related to cultural, religious or educational institutions during this period. You may wish to explore philosophical attitudes concerning marriage, romance and other social relationships.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 10TH HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
You may desire greater social prestige during this period. You are inclined to be more ambitious for material wealth and status. You may have romantic, marriage, or partnership opportunities through career activities.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 11TH HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
You may express greater kindness and consideration towards social friends during this time. You may enjoy art, music, and entertainment with groups of friends.

VENUS TRANSITING YOUR 12TH HOUSE (approx. 25 days duration)
You tend to be more sympathetic and understanding towards those in need during this period. You are sensitive to beauty and aesthetic imagination and you may enjoy quiet meditation. You may cherish a secret romance. Your activities may involve art, music, hospitals, institutions, and places of retreat.

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