zodiac glyphs Aries - Pisces

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Ascendant in the Signs

AriesTaurus |Gemini |Cancer |Leo |Virgo |Libra |
 Scorpio |Sagittarius |Capricorn |Aquarius |Pisces  

ASCENDANTAscendant IN ARIESAries - With the cardinal fire sign of Aries rising at the time of your birth, you will approach life directly and forcefully. You will have a need to be noticed, for people to accept you as you are. As a result, your manner may at times be rather abrupt and often upsetting to others. You may feel that life is a battle which needs to be fought to win and you will not have much tolerance for people who stand in the way of you getting what you want.

You are a "live wire", full of physical energy and enthusiasm, always ready to take on a challenge, but you will need to temper your energy with some consideration for others who may be less enthusiastic, if you want to achieve some balance and harmony in your relationships.

As Aries is ruled by Mars the house position and aspects to this planet will be of particular importance in your chart.


ASCENDANTAscendant IN TAURUSTaurus- The fixed earth sign of Taurus rising at the time of your birth indicates that you project an image of stability and reliability. Others may perceive you as a laid back or even reserved person, although this may not be the case when they get to know you. You need to base your life on a secure material basis before you can feel easy enough to pursue other goals, but you need to realize that material security is an illusion that can easily disappear; don’t spend your whole life chasing an illusion, and learn to let go when necessary. You are patient and persevering, you need to be pushed pretty hard before you lose your cool, but when you do the object of your anger should just get out of the way, your rage may be just as slow to cool.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, the house position and aspects to this planet will be of particular importance in your chart.


ASCENDANTAscendant IN GEMINIGemini- The mutable air sign of Gemini rising at the time of your birth suggests that you approach life with an intense curiosity and the desire to find out how the world around you works. You will exhibit a great deal of nervous energy that can only be relieved if you are doing something, hence you could spend a lot of time doing unnecessary chores just to keep on the move. You will have difficulty in focusing your attention on one specific task or subject, preferring to cover as many areas as possible rather than specializing. You will do well in the field of communication, gathering and distributing ideas and information.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, as the ruler of your Ascendant this planet is of particular importance in your chart.


ASCENDANTAscendant IN CANCERCancer- The cardinal water sign of Cancer was rising at the time of your birth, indicating that you are sensitive and reserved in your approach to others, although you may have learned at an early age to protect your sensitivity behind the hard outer shell of the crab. You have a naturally caring and sympathetic nature, and you like to take care of those who are close to you, you have an instinctive understanding of their emotional needs. This same emotional sensitivity makes you vulnerable, however, since not everybody has the same consideration for your feelings as you have for theirs. You will tend to hide any hurt or emotional pain behind a hard exterior, and to approach situations indirectly rather than risk a direct confrontation. You may have a tendency to cling to any hurt or slight, whether real or imagined, and you will need to learn to accept your sensitive emotional nature and channel it in some positive direction.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, as the ruler of your Ascendant this planet is of particular importance in your chart.


ASCENDANTAscendant IN LEOLeo- With the fixed fire sign Leo rising at your time of birth, you aim to make an impression on everyone you meet. You have a need to be recognized as a creative and self-motivated person, and to develop a sense of your own power and worth. You need to be active in some kind of creative or self-expressive pursuit in order to feel enlivened, but your pride may often prevent you from admitting your mistakes to anyone but yourself, or from changing a course of action even when it becomes plain that you are on the wrong track. You do not like to be proved wrong. You can be warm and generous, not slow to give to those who need your help, but there may be a tendency to expect something in return. You will be happier and more content with yourself when you can learn to give without expecting to receive.

The ruler of Leo is the Sun, as the ruler of your Ascendant, this planet is of particular importance in your chart.


ASCENDANTAscendant IN VIRGOVirgo- With the mutable earth sign of Virgo rising at the time of your birth, you approach life with a need to analyze your experiences in order to digest and assimilate them. You have an excellent critical faculty that is sometimes expressed as fussiness and too much attention to detail. You have a sympathetic nature, spontaneous and helpful. You like to be of service to others when you can, but you can be somewhat over-critical when others do not live up to your perfectionist standards. Cleanliness and the care of the physical body are important to you, but if there are difficult aspects to the Ascendant, you may go to the opposite extreme.

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. As the ruler of your Ascendant this planet will be of particular importance in your chart.


ASCENDANTAscendant IN LIBRALibra- Libra is a cardinal air sign. With Libra rising at the time of your birth, you express Libran characteristics in your approach to life. There is a need to base action on an objective and fair assessment of any situation. The keynote of Libra is balance. Libra on the Ascendant gives you the ability to see the various alternatives in any situation, and to see the other persons point of view. However, if overdone this can lead to indecisiveness that can be crippling to action, and a sitting on the fence type of behavior. You try to base your actions on what is true and just, but must learn to make decisions and accept responsibility for the consequences. The first impression others have of you is of a friendly, fair and just person, or as somewhat superficial and indecisive in your behavior.

Libra is ruled by Venus. The position of this planet will be of particular importance in your chart.

ASCENDANTAscendant IN SCORPIOScorpio- With the fixed water sign of Scorpio rising at the time of your birth, you have an intense approach to life, with a desire to get to the root of any issue so that you can understand it from the bottom up. While you are sensitive to the emotional atmosphere around you, you will tend to keep your own emotions behind a barrier to protect them, until the pressure becomes too great and the repressed energy is released in a burst of anger, or by some action that expresses unmistakably how you feel. There may be periods in your life when you will willingly, or by force of circumstances, remove all the old structures in your life to make way for the growth of something new. Like a snake that sheds its skin, the death of the old life makes way for the development of something more fulfilling, although these periods will not be without accompanying pain.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto. As the ruler of your Ascendant this planet is of particular importance in your chart.


ASCENDANTAscendant IN SAGITTARIUSSagittarius - With the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius rising at the time of your birth, your immediate impression on others is of a friendly and expansive person, with a great deal of energy and faith in life’s many possibilities. You will approach life with an openness to new experience and will always have an eye on what lies just over the horizon. Pursuing your goals will often be more rewarding than actually achieving them. For you it is the journey that is important, and when you have reached your destination or achieved your goal you will be looking around for another. The house position of Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius indicates the area where you feel that you can find fulfillment whether or not this is achieved in practice. You may have a tendency to live beyond your means or impulsively promise what you cannot deliver.

The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter. As the ruler of your Ascendant this planet will be of particular importance in your chart.


ASCENDANTAscendant IN CAPRICORNCapricorn- The cardinal earth sign of Capricorn was rising over the horizon at the time and place of your birth. You will tend to approach new phases of your life cautiously, reluctant to let go of the old ways until you are certain that the new venture will be successful, or is the right thing to do. Whatever you are like beneath the surface, you will have a serious air about you, others may perceive you initially as cool and not very approachable. You err on the side of pessimism, even when things are going well for you, you do not allow yourself to become over optimistic since you feel that if something can go wrong it probably will, and getting carried away by extreme optimism is just asking for trouble. You are quietly ambitious, with a need to ground your ideas or ideals through some kind of practical endeavor. Once you have set your sights on a mountain to climb you can pursue your goal in spite of set-backs and disappointments and nothing can stop you from reaching the top, even if it takes a lifetime.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the house position and aspects to this planet will be of particular importance to your chart.

ASCENDANTAscendant IN AQUARIUSAquarius- The fixed air sign of Aquarius rising at the time of your birth indicates a need to view yourself and your life from a detached perspective. You are at times, able to take a mental step backwards, so to speak, to assess where you are and where you are going, from an unemotional viewpoint. This ability enables you to sidestep obstacles and prevent yourself from becoming embroiled in circumstances or bound by onerous responsibilities that you would rather avoid. Your approach to life in general is unconventional and free-minded. You need your own space and the freedom to make your own choices and decisions, and you are prepared to grant the same freedoms to others. You have a need to be, and to be seen as, different from the norm, any attempts by others to bind you to conventional rule of behavior or limit your freedom of self-expression will reveal the rebellious and uncompromising side of your nature, and you will, one way or another, break away from whatever it is that is placing limitations upon you.

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus. The aspects and house position of this planet will be of particular importance in your chart.

ASCENDANTAscendant IN PISCESPisces- The mutable water sign Pisces was rising at the time of your birth, indicating that you are sensitive and impressionable in your general approach to life. You will need to work at gaining a strong sense of identity, since your openness and extreme sensitivity to the needs of others may cause you to be taken advantage of, or to be led into actions that you would not personally choose. Others may regard you as something of a dreamer, an idealist who finds it difficult to cope with the harsh practical realities of the material world. You will feel the need to express yourself through music or some other artistic activity, or by working at something that involves sacrificing your own personal needs for the good of others. You must beware of assuming the role of a martyr. Difficulties in dealing with the real world could make you turn to drugs as a means of escape. A more positive approach would be through some form of meditation, the objectivity and sense of peace gained through this would benefit you physically as well as mentally.

The ruling planet of Pisces is Neptune. The house position of this planet, and its aspects to other planets, will be important in determining how and where you most easily express both the positive and negative sides of Pisces rising.

Original Source - Happy Dragon 2003

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