Mars in the Signs
MARS IN ARIES - Mars, the planet of drive and aggression, is in the cardinal fire sign of Aries, the sign that it rules. This strongly accentuates both the positive and negative qualities of Mars. You will be direct and forceful, with a strong self-assertive and competitive urge. There is a strong need for independence, but it might be a type of independence based on a lack of thought for others. Aggressiveness, impulsiveness and a tendency to over-react to real or imagined slights are qualities that need to be controlled. You will be very direct when it comes to getting what you want, with little beating about the bush, but you will have to control the urge to leap before you look.
MARS IN TAURUS - With Mars in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, your self-assertive and aggressive urges are colored by persistence and determination. A great deal of energy can be directed toward material goals, but there may be a stubborn refusal to change from a course of action even if it is obviously leading to disaster. Your temper may be slow to arouse, but when it is, may be difficult to control, resulting in some unpleasant scenes. Possessiveness and jealousy are qualities that need to be controlled, but if expressed positively this placing can give you the capacity for controlled and steady action towards the achievement of your desires.
MARS IN GEMINI - Mars, the planet of drive and aggression, is in the mutable air sign of Gemini in your chart, indicating that your self-assertive and aggressive urges will be expressed mentally and verbally. You will not be afraid to speak your mind and say what you think, even if the “truth” may hurt others. You will tend to identify too strongly with what you think, and regard an attack on your ideas as a personal attack on yourself. When you feel threatened you defend yourself through words, which you are able to use as a weapon, you can be a very difficult person to reason with in an argument. You are motivated mainly by what you think, and when your mind is stimulated by new discoveries and ways of thinking you have a tireless drive to investigate and learn more.
MARS IN CANCER - With Mars in the cardinal water sign of Cancer, your self assertion and aggression will be heavily influenced by your emotional state and sensitive feelings. Your own feelings are sensitive to the aggression and anger of others, and you may avoid the open expression of your own anger out of fear of causing emotional pain to other people. This means you will keep quiet about your grievances, and poison the atmosphere with heavy vibes, when a good healthy outburst may be the best way to get things off your chest and clear the air. You are motivated mainly by what you feel, and need a secure home base from which you can operate. With this part of your life secure, you have the emotional and physical strength to achieve whatever you set your heart on.
MARS IN LEO - Mars, the planet of the ego drive is in the fixed fire sign of Leo in your chart, indicating that your self-assertive and aggressive drives will be influenced by a need to express yourself and show yourself as someone to be reckoned with. You know what you want, and can be direct and forceful when it comes to going out and getting it, but you may be too heavily motivated purely by what YOU want, and you will not be easily turned from a particular course of action once you have decided on it. You may have to make a conscious effort to balance your own needs with the needs of others, and to temper your enthusiastic drive with a little looking before you leap.
MARS IN VIRGO - With Mars in the mutable earth sign of Virgo you will put a great deal of energy into organizing your practical and material affairs. No matter how tight money is, you will somehow always manage to pay your bills and provide the basic necessities of life. You may be over-critical both of yourself and others, with a tendency to constantly analyze motives, and a need to understand the whys and wherefores of everything you do, particularly in the area of your sex life. If this is not taken to inhibiting extremes you can gain great insight into the hidden or unconscious motives and needs, both your own and those of others. You should avoid a tendency to worry or feel guilty when the actions of others drive you into expressing your anger or aggression.
MARS IN LIBRA - With Mars in the cardinal air sign of Libra, you can put a great deal of energy into the forming of personal relationships. Even while you are trying to get what you want, you still show a degree of tact and diplomacy. Although when you finally do get what you want, you may not be too sure that it is really what you wanted anyway. Libra can impart a degree of indecisiveness and uncertainty to any planet that it contains, and with Mars in Libra, there is a chance you could be more argumentative than is really necessary.
MARS IN SCORPIO - With Mars in the fixed water sign of Scorpio, your self-assertive and aggressive drives are colored by powerful and often unconscious feelings. Your sense of self-preservation is strong and you may get what you want from others through the subtle manipulation of feelings of jealousy and possessiveness. When you have these feelings yourself, which you very often will, they will not be overtly displayed, but will be kept below the surface and expressed in a subtle and manipulative way. You have an unshakable emotional strength, and an instinctive understanding of “human nature” and what motivates people, although you may have a tendency to dwell too heavily on the negative manifestations.
MARS IN SAGITTARIUS - With Mars in the mutable fire sign Sagittarius, the energy to achieve your goals and enthusiasm for them are inseparably linked. Once you have decided on a course of action you will go for it directly, without too much beating about the bush, but if the enthusiasm wanes so will the energy. Your sexual and aggressive drives will be moderated by certain moral or ethical ideals, but within these limitations you will tend to be rather frank and direct. There is a danger of overextending yourself, or trying to achieve more than you are capable of handling, and you may have to control a tendency to exaggerate.
MARS IN CAPRICORN - With the fiery planet Mars in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, your aggressive and self-assertive drives will tend to be well-controlled. This does not mean that you will not lose your temper or do anything on impulse, but you have the capacity to channel your ego drives into working for long-term goals and ambitions, even if it means a certain amount of self-denial to achieve them. This element of control may also be evident in your sex life, where you may give the appearance of coolness and reserve, however, this coolness and reserve can easily be dropped when you feel that it is no longer necessary.
MARS IN AQUARIUS - With the planet Mars in the fixed air sign of Aquarius, you can have a great deal of determination to achieve your goals. You can put a lot of energy into working for revolutionary or forward-looking groups, but there may be a danger of identifying your own ego with the life of such groups. There is a great need for personal freedom, which can lead to unpredictable behavior. You are prepared to defend your thoughts and opinions with great force, but may have a tendency to regard criticism of your opinions as a personal attack. Your attitude toward sex is probably unconventional and detached with a need for a great deal of freedom in your relationships. This will probably lead to conflict in your emotional life until you learn to respect the feelings of others.
MARS IN PISCES - The fiery planet Mars is in the mutable water sign of Pisces in your chart, indicating that your self-assertive and aggressive drives are heavily influenced by your constantly shifting and changing emotions. You will have some difficulty in deciding what you really want, and any goal you work for will have to meet with certain idealistic standards. You are not one to trample on the feelings of others in your urge to get ahead in life, in fact your over-sensitivity to other people’s feelings may lead to hesitation and doubt when decisive action is required. It is your ideals which motivate you and, when fired, you can work hard in some activity that goes beyond mere practical and financial considerations. If you allow yourself to succumb to self-doubt, or the feeling of “is it all worth it?”, your motivation is easily washed away by the shifting undercurrents of your emotions.
Original Source - Happy Dragon 2003
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