conjunctions |oppositions
|squares |trines |sextiles
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR SUN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) There can be a great demand on your energies at this time, as you tend to take on ambitious goals. Your work load can be heavy, and you may have to deal with self-doubt and restrictions to your career progress. You may have to deal with authority figures, or government officials. You will need resolution, self-discipline, humility and patience. Simplify your routines and create an environment favorable to your future success.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR MOON (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This can be a somewhat depressing time, due to family financial worries or unpleasant memories. People around you tend to be cold and lacking sympathy. Career progress seems restricted. It's a good time to become frugal and put money in the bank. Work on making practical improvements to your home. Take care of your health; digestion is sluggish and energy is low.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR MERCURY [MIND] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your workload can be heavy at this time. Organize your correspondence and paperwork. Don't delay any legal contracts, decisions, and business initiatives, as competition can be tough. You may need to seriously communicate with authority figures, government officials, or older, more experienced people.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR MERCURY [WORK] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Aggressively organize and simplify your work routines to gain more control. Plan for your future by making a list and doing important things first. Put patient effort into learning a new skill. What you learn now can be fruitful later.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR VENUS [FINANCES] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your finances can be restricted at this time, and you may desire consolidation of your accounts. You may begin a serious business or professional partnership. Financial responsibilities may involve art, entertainment, luxury items, public relations, or legal processes.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR VENUS [ROMANCE] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may feel lonely at this time. You can be sensitive to slights and perhaps the loss or unfaithfulness of a dear friend. You may begin a social or romantic involvement with an older, mature individual, but in general this is a cooling off period romantically. Develop your own practical goals; it's a good time for businesslike dealings.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR MARS (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You can accomplish much by using your hard-driving, ambitious energy to get some new project rolling. You have the determination to plan, calculate, and organize to do the job without being sentimental or soft-hearted. If you experience frustration, pain, or injury you may feel resentful or depressed. Keep your positive resolve focused on your higher purpose.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR JUPITER (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You can handle bigger responsibilities now. With a new resolve, you become generally tolerant and optimistic about your career and professional prospects. You may travel for business or deal with governmental agencies. Public relations and educational matters may require your attention.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR SATURN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Occurs around age 27-29 and age 56-58. This is the beginning of a new 29-year career cycle for you. You will need a new sense of maturity for this "coming of age" period. As you review past accomplishments and failings, begin to plan your long-range goals and purposes of your life. Initiatives made now tend to be specific to your personality and can be highly symbolic to your future success. You may feel some limitations to your freedom and choices now, as you exchange self-doubt and uncertainty for better defined personal responsibilities and constructive ambitions.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR URANUS (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your career can become unstable and especially challenging at this time. Old, outmoded patterns give way to new possibilities. Put your creative and innovative ambitions to practical use to gain greater control and independence. You may feel increased responsibility towards a friend who needs your encouragement. You could meet a new person who is a catalyst for your own efforts. It's a good time to join a professional group or business organization.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR NEPTUNE (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your career duties can be vague, complex, and even chaotic during this period. You may have to confront problems of laziness, incompetence, ill health, and unreliability. Your own imagination may amplify your fears and you may suffer from anxieties, escapism, or brooding psychological difficulties as you strive for self- improvement. Put your visualization powers to constructive use. Expose deception and hidden restraints. Community activities and appreciation of music, theater, cinema can be therapeutic.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR PLUTO (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This can be a time of increasing concern for your security and safety. Professional responsibilities require added trust and commitment. If you are involved in coercive power struggles, use caution, insight and determination to discover truth before taking action. This is a good time for any in-depth research. Build your sense of security through attending to matters involving insurance, taxes, joint finances.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR ASCENDANT (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may feel increased responsibility for your own independence. It's a good time to build up your self-confidence through hard work, self-discipline, and a leadership role. You may tend to loose weight and feel tired.
SATURN CONJUNCT YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This is a period of career culmination. You may feel added responsibilities in your profession or in your dealings with the public. You can receive a promotion or recognition for good work, if merited, or disgrace, if deserved. Possible change of employment or career.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR SUN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may encounter obstacles to professional or political advancement. Self-expression is inhibited, and your vitality may be low. You may struggle to achieve something but can be opposed by those in authority or government. People you deal with tend to lack sympathy, or they can be poor, cheap, or selfish. If you are not prepared to organize your efforts and negotiate for improved cooperation, this can be a frustrating period. Get enough rest and restrain your own selfish ambitions and ego.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR MOON (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Domestic and family matters demand organization, planning, and self-restraint. You may feel uncomfortable and shabby at home and need to begin a program of improvements. At work you may be bored with your job and want change from your routine. Loneliness and emotional depression lowers your vitality and your digestion can be sluggish. It's a good time to be frugal with your purchases. Work towards reducing your more burdensome responsibilities. Be economical and negotiate a better deal.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR MERCURY [MIND] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) It may be difficult to get your ideas across to others now as others tend to be skeptical of your methods and your aims. Slowdowns in mail, shipments, or travel can be particularly aggravating as agreements can fall through. Organize your thinking and your plans. Use self-restraint in seeking cooperation and compromise on important issues.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR MERCURY [WORK] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Conditions at work can be discouraging just now as routine becomes stifling and your superiors are unsympathetic to your thinking. Take time to write out, organize, and revise your plans. Seek better understanding and be prepared to listen carefully and negotiate a better deal.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR VENUS [FINANCES] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may feel uncomfortable, poor, and shabby at this time as your financial resources can be tight due to unsatisfactory money management. It's a good time to economize and look for bargains as well as value in making purchases.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR VENUS [ROMANCE] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may feel sad or lonely and cut off from others. You are sensitive to slights, and your friends and loved ones may seem to be cold, indifferent or unfaithful to you. You will need self- restraint at this time to avoid one-sided relationships.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR MARS (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may feel frustrated in your desire for action. You may need to fight injury, infection, injustice, or severe business losses. A partner may be distressed. You may be in conflict with authority, or in a conflict of business interests. Bitterness and hostility make matters worse. Be direct in working towards a responsible agreement or negotiated settlement.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR JUPITER (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may feel additional obligations and restraints that seem to deny you freedom and the chance to learn and grow. Progress is slow and your financial budget is strained. Persevere with tolerance, honesty, patience, and caution. Seek cooperation in your relationships with others and redirect your efforts to comply with new goals and responsibilities.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR SATURN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Occurs around ages 14, 42, 70. Important changes surround you as you take a major step in life towards your future goals. You will need to make concessions to conformity in terms of social understanding and behavior. Your political awareness increases, as does your awareness of your social status, marriage and partnerships. If you seem to be carrying a heavy burden of responsibilities, narrow down your options and choose a goal that is realistic for you.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR URANUS (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your tend to be restless and enterprising but your ambitions can bring unsettling problems at this time. Disagreements can arise regarding new technology or the need for greater independence. Unusual circumstances can suddenly challenge customary values and attitudes. You may find yourself estranged from former friends and colleagues. You may suddenly lose your position or status. New agreements and cooperation will require serious negotiation and self-restraint.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR NEPTUNE (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This can be a strange, chaotic time when you may tend to avoid your responsibilities due to feelings of personal inadequacy and fear of failure. You may have to cope with devious, dishonest, deceptive people in important business and professional relationships. Reputation, position and status can be at state. Relationships are strained and you can be especially sensitive to drugs, alcohol and unwise psychic practices. Your health can decline. Extract yourself from entanglements. Confront issues and negotiate settlements based on terms that all parties can agree to.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR PLUTO (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This can be an oppressive time of mistrust, betrayal, and power struggles. You may feel restricted by compulsive forces or coercive people in important business and professional relationships. Collusion or insubordination could jeopardize your reputation, position, and security. Cut your losses and develop an impartial viewpoint of your situation. Confront issues and negotiate settlements based on terms that all parties can agree upon.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR ASCENDANT (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your responsibilities towards others may increase. Avoid trying to control and dominate others. It's a good time to develop your negotiating skills and ability to coordinate joint or team efforts.
SATURN OPPOSED YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may feel added responsibilities in your domestic and family life. Avoid trying to dominate family situations. It's a good time to make long term domestic goals with a view to your career and finances.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR SUN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This tends to be a calm time where you can organize and stabilize your career goals and devote energy to leadership and creative disciplines. You may talk and plan with those in higher positions of authority who tend now to give you their approval.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR MOON (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This is a good time to organize family and domestic affairs. You can give your responsible support to family members. It's a good time for dealings in real estate, and domestic products and services. Health improves.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR MERCURY [MIND] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) It's a favorable time for business communications. Long-term plans can be clarified and thinking is realistic and productive. Officials and people in positions of authority are approachable.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR MERCURY [WORK] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Work options and opportunities can lead to advancement. It's a good time to sort, clean up, and improve efficiency. You have good communications and agreement with fellow workers.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR VENUS [FINANCES] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) It's a good time for practical financial investments, as your long- term thinking tends to be realistic. Officials and people in positions of authority are generally agreeable to your plans. With a little effort you can do much to beautify your surroundings.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR VENUS [ROMANCE] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your emotional relationships tend to be steady at this time, although they may seem somewhat reserved and formal. Ideas and discussions may involve important career plans and personal ambitions.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR MARS (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You can further your aims and ambitions more easily now through controlled efficiency and discipline. Your ideas and initiatives can receive support and approval of officials and those in positions of authority.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR JUPITER (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You can relax at this time and begin gradual expansion for future growth in your career. You may find an opportunity for travel or extra training in your job. You receive support for your long- term plans and your mature judgment.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR SATURN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You can set stable work patterns and simplified methods that will advance your career goals. Ideas tend to be practical and can be integrated into your overall plans. You can gain friendship and approval from those in positions of established power and authority.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR URANUS (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Original ideas and insights can advance your career. Technical, scientific and creative ideas find acceptance and can have practical application. Sudden changes can create new opportunities. Favorable for involvement in professional groups and organizations.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR NEPTUNE (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You have opportunities to apply imaginative ideas in a practical way that will advance your career. You can make progress in the realization of a dream or visualization. You go through a period of stability and peaceful calm. Health improves.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR PLUTO (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) With increased mental discipline and shrewdness you can achieve deep insight into people's motivations and goals. Concentration is good and you can gain acceptance and approval for your ideas related to joint finances and security.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR ASCENDANT (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You tend to be cautious and responsible in your self-expression and relationships. You can have good ideas to gain competitive advantage in business.
SATURN SEXTILE YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You have good, practical ideas for professional advancement. You make steady progress in both career and domestic affairs.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR SUN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your energy and productivity can be easily depleted. Your work load can be heavy as your ambition for power and authority can be great. Superiors tend not to give you sympathy as you struggle to gain personal credibility and control of your self-expression. Avoid rigid authoritarian attitudes and excessive personal pride or selfishness. Find your place in the scheme of things, simplify, avoid unnecessary conflict, get rest, and carry on in your duties. Express your humility and sincere appreciation for those who have supported you in the past.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR MOON (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your responsibilities can be emotionally burdensome at this time. There can be coldness in family relationships, financial limitation, and interference to your professional ambitions. Energy is low and you may feel gloomy, cynical, and depressed about your future. Discipline your emotions with humility, patience, routine, and kindness towards others. Others will remember and be grateful towards you.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR MERCURY [MIND] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may feel obstacles, delays, and restrictions to your progress and ambition. Worry, anxiety and pessimistic attitudes can result from inhibited communications. Superiors lack sympathy and understanding. Improve your information and management skills by organizing a routine program of study and progress reports.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR MERCURY [WORK] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your work can be tedious, frustrating, and depressing now. Your work load can be heavy, machinery can break down, your superiors can be critical, and your health can suffer. Organize and simplify your surroundings. Discipline yourself to delay gratification and finish difficult tasks first. Establish practical routines and efficient work schedules. Lay a foundation from which you can grow.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR VENUS [FINANCES] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may desire more beauty, affluence, and comfort in your surroundings but your financial affairs can be disappointing and limiting at this time. Make a responsible financial plan, simplify your needs and live within your means.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR VENUS [ROMANCE] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your close personal relationships can be unsatisfying and discouraging at this time. You may have romantic ambitions but you feel shy, lonely, and discontent. There is no spark for a new relationship. The people you are attracted to are either unavailable or not interested in you. Work out problems in existing relationships. You can be businesslike without being cold or lacking sympathy. Develop a mature attitude of consideration towards others.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR MARS (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may feel frustrated in your ambitions. Heavy workloads, responsibilities, and exhausting effort can make you feel bitter, resentful, and hostile towards authority. Look ahead to your goals, delegate work to others, and harden your energies with self- discipline so you can pull yourself through. Avoid carelessness that could cause injury through machinery, tools, falls, auto accidents, or skin inflammations.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR JUPITER (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Career moves at this time require a great deal of planning, preparation, and effort, but do advance your goals. You may have to deal with poor timing in professional matters, incompetence, moral crises, conflict of interests, governmental delays, unemployment, or job retraining. Business expansion is difficult and can be expensive. Avoid taking major business or financial risks, and plan to work within limits.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR SATURN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This is a time when you may feel burdensome responsibilities in your career and in your family circumstances. Work may be hard, and you may have to deal with unsympathetic government or authority figures. Money can be tight or tied up. You may feel bored, in a rut, and depressed. Organize your life and strive to meet your essential obligations. Revise you career resume, emphasizing your best points. Simplify your routines and delegate work to others where you can. Take a step in the direction of humility and practical maturity.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR URANUS (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Unexpected changes can disrupt the usual order and routine of your life. You may want more creative freedom in your work, but those in control tend to be unsympathetic. You may vacillate between conservative and rebellious urges. Friends may be stimulating but can aggravate your career aspirations with unrealistic ideals. You may have problems with groups or organizations. An important person may leave your life. Exercise self-control and avoid taking unnecessary risks in unconventional areas.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR NEPTUNE (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Strange, shifting circumstances can leave you confused and erode your cherished dreams and aspirations. You may be anxious and have irrational fears and a desire to escape responsibility. As you can be hypersensitive, avoid misuse of alcohol or drugs. Avoid unnecessary assumptions, as you can be vulnerable to deceptions and hidden schemes at this time. Aim at realistic goals. It's a good time to be cautious about your health and your reputation.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR PLUTO (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This can be a time of profound exhaustion and rehabilitation as you eliminate non-essentials and toxic influences. You may need to deal with threats or coercive tactics, or struggle against corruption and dishonesty. You may have problems with taxes, insurance, corporate interests, or joint finances. Take responsibility for securing your own vulnerabilities with precaution, honesty, trust, and self-respect.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR ASCENDANT (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Cold, unsympathetic attitudes can lead to difficulties in your close personal relationships and partnerships. Learn to be responsible and ambitious without attitudes of superiority.
SATURN SQUARE YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may feel obstacles or conflicts in your professional and domestic affairs, which can make you feel emotionally depressed. Organize your responsibilities and gain control of your objectives.
SATURN TRINE YOUR SUN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) With mature self-respect you are able to stabilize and handle your responsibilities successfully. You can simplify and organize your duties with administrative authority. Superiors tend to approve of your capabilities and plans. You can put creative ideas into practical usefulness.
SATURN TRINE YOUR MOON (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You can stabilize your family and domestic affairs through exercising self-control and emotional responsibility. It's a good time for constructive career building and strengthening family ties. You can work diligently and plan worthwhile goals.
SATURN TRINE YOUR MERCURY [MIND] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This can be a favorable time for writing, serious study, teaching, and catching up on correspondence. Communications and travel related to career are beneficial and tend to go smoothly.
SATURN TRINE YOUR MERCURY [WORK] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your thinking tends to be practical and this is a favorable time for organizing job methods and procedures, and for handling legal affairs related to your profession. Superiors tend to approve of your ideas and goals.
SATURN TRINE YOUR VENUS [FINANCES] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Dealings with business associates go well and you can make good investments at relatively bargain prices. More financial options become available to you. It's a good time to stabilize and beautify your surroundings.
SATURN TRINE YOUR VENUS [ROMANCE] (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You tend to be calm and secure in your emotional relationships. You can extend yourself socially to old friends and new associates. Formal occasions, receptions, and business gatherings can be enjoyable at this time. It's a good time to plan and organize joint projects.
SATURN TRINE YOUR MARS (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You combine energy and courage with ambition and self-control. You can accomplish much now towards your goals through careful, hard work. Officials and people in authority give you their support and you can deal effectively with business and professional affairs. Work with tools or machines goes rapidly and smoothly. You can make progress in managerial and administrative areas.
SATURN TRINE YOUR JUPITER (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) This is a secure period where you can make steady progress towards your career and social goals. You can develop the confidence, honesty, maturity, and self-respect that can make you better able to handle authority and responsibility. It's a favorable time for seeking employment or promotion as well as for learning new duties and travel related to your work.
SATURN TRINE YOUR SATURN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You can make steady progress towards career goals. With honesty and integrity you can enjoy your responsibilities and meaningful ambitions. Your superiors tend to give you their approval and trust. You can pay off old debts and obligations and organize more ambitious, creative plans for the future.
SATURN TRINE YOUR URANUS (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You may discover exciting career opportunities. Your innovative ideas can gain the support of those in positions of control and responsibility. Your mind is shrewd and practical as well as original. It's a good time to begin new projects or a new job. You feel secure, efficient and comfortable with your colleagues and friends.
SATURN TRINE YOUR NEPTUNE (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) Your dreams or ideals can now begin to take practical form and application. Old situations are fading away and opportunities present themselves. With self-respect and realism, you can be supportive of others and begin to achieve concrete results. Your community involvement can make considerable progress at this time. Your vision and psychological insight can be inspiring and therapeutic to yourself and others.
SATURN TRINE YOUR PLUTO (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You have increased concentration and perception into the motives of others during this period. The time is favorable for any research or for revealing hidden factors and inhibitions. If there are secret manipulations, or conspiracies, they can surface where you can gain control. Older people and those in positions of power tend to give you their approval and trust.
SATURN TRINE YOUR ASCENDANT (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You tend to be cautious and responsible in your self-expression and relationships. Partners give you added support. You can develop new skills and opportunities to advance your competitive position.
SATURN TRINE YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Medium-duration, 1-4 weeks) You have good, practical ideas for professional advancement. You have opportunities to make steady progress in both career and domestic affairs.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 1ST HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) This is a period when you will need to develop your personal identity more strongly through self-reliance and constructive self- discipline. Initially you will have less time for public and social interactions as you need freedom from interference to better define your personality and independent purpose. At times you may be afflicted by low self-confidence, ill health, weight loss, and fatigue. You will tend to be serious about your personal environment, making sure that you are not exposed to harmful conditions. Gradually you will learn how to assert yourself better as an individual. You may study physical self-improvement methods and learn practical skills that will make you more competitive and productive. As you withdraw from public life over the next few years, your home and private life will begin to mean more to you.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 2ND HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) You have private goals to be realized now as your domestic life becomes more important to you. This will necessitate that you gain better control of your financial security and earning power during this period. Initially you will need to be more frugal and resourceful in your finances and develop a more practical sense of values. At times you may feel poor, shabby, and cheap as your financial resources dwindle. You may incur heavy business or professional expenses, losses, or bad credit. Worry will incline you to be serious about your finances. Through hard work and prudent organization you will gradually build up your savings and wealth.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 3RD HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) During this period you will achieve better mental discipline. You will gather useful information that will serve your personal goals, and you will improve your ability to express yourself with reason and sincerity. Initially some of your fantasies and imaginative thinking will give way to structured, serious, goal-oriented thinking. If necessary, you may enroll in formal programs of education, giving particular attention to science, mathematics, or philosophy. As the magnitude of your goals strikes you, you may be prone to bouts of negative thinking, doubt, worry, and pessimism. As you organize your thoughts into formal presentations through writing, speaking, or teaching, you will gradually emphasize practical, positive ideas that will serve your intentions. Travel and shipments of goods are subject to delays during this period. If you are looking to buy a car for cheap, inspect it carefully first.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 4TH HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) This is a period of private achievements during which you make a greater effort to establish your home in the community. If your professional and social life has kept you in the public eye, then you may initially be prone to bouts of loneliness, depression, and despondency as your lifestyle goes into a period of relative obscurity. Less of your time belongs to you and you must give up part of your freedom in cooperating with others in order to protect your interests and investments. What you've worked for can now take material significance in land, property, and a home that you can call your own. Your family commitments grow and so does your need to act in a supportive role towards family members. If you are inclined to start up a business for yourself, then you will begin to make progress in this direction. If you are looking for a bargain home to purchase, be prepared to devote time and work to making improvements.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 5TH HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) During this period you will need to discipline your personal creativity and make hobbies, pleasures, and recreational activities support your long-term needs and professional goals. Initially you may feel disheartened as life can seem less fun and spontaneous now. Loss through speculation and financial investments, romantic disappointments, increased responsibility towards children, or unplanned pregnancy can have a strongly sobering effect. As you turn to safer, less risky pleasures and entertainment, your personal satisfactions will grow. You may return to old romantic ties, or take a romantic interest in an older, mature, or established person. You may take more pleasure in your professional work and social life. Through careful organization you can gradually make more time for play and children. Find more ways to make your creativity and inventiveness work for you.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 6TH HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) This is a period of increased work responsibility. You may have to struggle to find work and remain productively employed. Initially you may be given unpleasant work or working conditions. At times you may suffer from ill health due to overwork. Develop good work habits and a sensible health regime. Dress sensibly and find better ways to serve your customers, clients, or employer. As you develop more patience, persistence, skill, efficiency, and organization in your work, you will find opportunities to advance.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 7TH HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) This period emphasizes important social and professional agreements. Initially this is a period of transition from private to public responsibilities and you will have less time to spend with family and old friends. At times you may feel lonely, unpopular, unloved, or unwanted, but with effort that will change. As you take on more responsibility in your profession, you will tend to choose partners and associates who share some of your goals and objectives. You tend to make more contacts with older, more experienced people and those in positions of authority. Your sense of justice intensifies as you become more sensitive to the needs and rights of others. You will give serious consideration to all legally binding contracts and agreements to assure yourself that they meet your requirements. Learn how to sell your ideas. Gradually you will learn how to negotiate successfully and reach acceptable compromise on important issues.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 8TH HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) As you pursue more professional responsibility during this period, you will become more concerned with issues of trust, safety, and ethics. You will want to deal with reliable people and you will need to understand people's motivations intimately. As trust is a risk that can be betrayed, you may initially have feelings of suspicion, envy, jealousy, and vengeful thoughts. You trust can deepen through following up on your intuition or through scientific evidence that will establish objective facts, and credibility. You will take issues of survival seriously, from birth to death and sexual regeneration. Taxes, insurance, inheritance, corporate funds and jointly held resources are serious matters at this time. These will need a realistic and honest assessment. Gradually you will achieve a better basis of trust with the people your deal with professionally as well as those who are close to you.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 9TH HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) During this period you tend to work hard to achieve specialized knowledge that will give you the freedom to advance your professional goals. You may apply yourself to extensive job retraining. You may pursue formal studies, especially in history, teaching, religion, law, or philosophy. You may publish your most ambitious and difficult work. You may embark on strenuous girns to unfamiliar places to learn the customs and beliefs of different people. Whatever you do during this time, you will develop a personal philosophy of life as you address difficult moral, religious, and ethical questions. With effort you will eventually attain the tolerance, loyalty, honor, and goodwill that you seek.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 10TH HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) This is a period of increased professional responsibility during which you will make a greater effort to establish a respectable position and status in society. You will have less time for informal social and family affairs as you gradually become more duty-bound in the management of other people's business. You may receive formal recognition for your achievements and your professional influence may extend to a wider audience. Increased public duties may involve you with government or politics. Use your position and status to create a new order and give credit where it is due. If you are not prepared for the responsibilities and scrutiny of public success, then you may suffer from uncertain employment and possible dishonor as you begin a new career cycle.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 11TH HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) This period is marked by increasing association with other people as a result of your career choices and personal ideals. You may be involved with professional colleagues, groups, and organizations. If you have earned some authority in your profession, then you may take a leadership role. Much of your effort may be devoted to serious intellectual, scientific, or political activities. Your intentions may be revolutionary as you struggle to think of ways to bring more freedom and independence into the world. Your interest tends to gravitate to universal laws, principles, and humanitarian issues. As your commitments to your ideals grow, you may form important friendships with older, mature, or established individuals, or you may renew old friendships.
SATURN TRANSITING YOUR 12TH HOUSE (approx. 2.5 years duration) This period emphasizes public service, volunteer work, and healing. You may be engaged in professional work behind the scenes, or in a supportive, charitable, or therapeutic capacity. You will have a serious interest in psychology, meditative disciplines, or involvement with spiritual retreats. Your professional responsibilities may involve hospitals, institutions, or prisons. At times you may feel lonely, or isolated as you withdraw from the everyday concerns of larger society and search within for inner truth, peace, and a healing, spiritual vision.
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